Thursday, November 13, 2008

moving on

I hate to say it, but I'm moving on with my blogs. I will be merging from shelly'sbelly and barlow bits. That blog -- fromshelly'sbelly -- will be for family and more personal updates. I may cut it out entirely... that's to be determined later.

I have a NEW blog for my NEW shop(s). It's very exciting. I'm in the process of building and designing it, so be on the lookout for the grand opening!! YAY!

Monday, November 3, 2008

halloween cosutmes

Well, I made their costumes, however, I just bought new re-chargeable batteries and didn't realize you had to pre-charge them before use. They really should put that on the packaging. So, I only got a few lame pictures of their costumes. I say lame because they weren't very clear, or their costume was all helter skelter because of tugging. The rest of the night they did wonderfully with them. They were just adorable! Benji was a wolf and Jenee' a lamb. Benji totally got into trick or treating. He would hold up his bucket and then say thank you over and over again and then good-bye. He ran from car to car excited about all the candy. Now that's all he wants to eat, candy. I also made Kendall's costume - who you see in the pics with Benj.

She's half stuffed because she just got too hot - so she's not as poofy as she was designed to be. She was still the cutest little lamb I ever beheld.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

just some pictures

just after Jenee' got her ears pierced. She was hysterical when they cleaned her ears and then put the dot on. She got them done and then saw a stuffed bear and didn't even remember whas was wrong! They are cute little pink flowers; love it!
Benji standing under the dining table at Nana's house. He was making faces at her for the camera! Too funny. Nick didn't want me to put this picture as our desktop wallpaper - I guess he doesn't like to laugh.
Jenee' eating one of the best cookies ever - Oreos! I think that's even the good cool mint ones! Ohhhh boy! I can eat a whole package by myself in about a half hour!
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Our van is up and working!

We thought it was going to be a $2000 repair! No! It was $175 - much much less!

Hip-hip hooray for answered prayers! Everyday I wake up with a smile knowing that we don't have to worry about our van! We are so blessed by Heavenly Father to have our "purple bullet" back in action. She needs a bath big time!

Thank you for thinking and praying for us, that's one thing you can take off your list!

vote people!

I know, I know it's not that exciting for you, but it is to me! look at the poll to the right or I just may do something like post something really long and boring and whiny!

I'm going to be selling my goods (very exciting, i know!) and I'm wondering about my shop name. From Shelly's Belly - I do like Snap Dragon! I like too. I say it all the time (if you know me IRL you already know that). I don't want it to be confusing however my blog titled FSB and my shop something else.

think about it, and report back to me!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

who knew?

microwave your toothbrush once a week to kill germs! Interesting!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proposition 8

Watch this video - it certainly makes you think about how else it could effect people. Another reason to homeschool, I say.

Monday, October 13, 2008

a question answered

This will be a long post.

As you know, we just moved to Utah and boy was it a hard trip. I'll get to what happened after I answer a question that was asked of me.

As you know, we were in Houston when hurricane Ike hit us. We were very fortunate that the "worst" thing that happened to us was to not have power for 20 hours. That's it. So we didn't suffer at all!

My uncle and grandparents stayed at our house during the hurricane because they were 5 minutes from the ocean.

My uncle and I were driving back from checking on my step-grandmother (is that really something you label someone?), E, who is 93 years old. As we were driving around we saw a lot of damage from the hurricane. My uncle asked me, "why does God let hurricanes happen?" (or something to that affect). I really don't think he was looking for a deep profound answer, or maybe he was. I replied, "so we can appreciate the good times." (or something like that - I do believe I gave a more indepth response, but I can't remember it all right now).

I've thought on that conversation for some time now and have gone over and over in my head what I wish I had said. I've decided I'm going to now to the best of my current knowledge.

We are here (on earth) to experience joy. We are also here to grow and learn and become a stronger and better person. Everything has its opposite. Light and dark; good and bad; health and sickness; and pleasure and pain. In order for us to feel happiness we must know what it feels like to be without it. The same for all the others. When we go through these things it's not because He wants to torture us and doesn't care for us. We experience these things because they can make us stronger. We experience these things because they teach us and we can learn from them. We are then better able to help and comfort those around us going through things we've been through. We are less judgemental.

Think of a forest fire. It is devastating to the animals who lose their homes and even lives. It is devastating to all around it, mostly the forest! However, when new trees and vegetation begin to grow they are stronger, healthier, and full of nutrients. That land is a better plot of land! It is so when my uncle pointed to a tree and said, "I don't think that tree thinks this is a good thing." Amen! Of course you may not be thinking, hey I like this hard stuff - bring it on! When you are that tree bent in half, roots sticking up out of the ground it's lousy. But when that tree is replanted and secured upright it will become stronger.

Recently general conference happened for my church, and it was so uplifting and enlightening. Elder Wirthlin spoke of learning to laugh when things get tough, staying optimistic.

Amidst the turmoil I seem to be feeling lately - politically, economically, and our own personal financial situation I tend to think - hey! wait a tick! This is too hard, too overwhelming, and too frightening. There is hope, there is a way to laugh and be optimistic, and this will be for my good in the end.

It couldn't have come at a better time.

We had some delays in our travels. We were supposed to have left sunday/monday for utah. We didn't get out of there until thursday night due to some things we couldn't control. Nick's dad came down to drive our things up and we followed behind him in our van.

First, Chad (nick's dad) ran over a deer (he's in an 18 wheeler), and we drove over that same deer.

Then we pulled over because our tire sounded flat. After not finding anything wrong we continued on. Then it got worse, so we pulled over again and alas there was a screw in our tire. Chad and his friend, Heath, said oh- it'll be fine. We kept driving for 10 more minutes until our tire went completely flat. We changed the to our spare, and filled that up with air - this whole process took several hours. Meanwhile we have 2 kids in the car that aren't happy at all! We drove to a hotel and stayed the night.

The next morning Chad and Heath fixed our flat (we had a screw and a nail in it). So off we went. We were filling up with gas when Chad said he smelt antifreeze. So we pulled into a walmart to tarp up the load (rain was coming) and also to fill our car up with antifreeze. we got the load all tarped (2 hours later) and then started to fill the car up when the antifreeze was just gushing out of the car. There was a leak! Chad and Heath worked on the car for a long time when they said our Head was cracked and that it would probably cost $2000 (yes 2 thousand) to fix it, but we weren't going to be able to drive to utah at this time. So they looked for a rental car, but they don't rent one way from Lubbock to Utah. So we booked a moving truck and trailer to haul the van for the next day. There was a texas tech game the next day so all the hotels were charging outrageous fees, with barely any availabilities. We finally found an old motel to stay in and we ordered pizza. Nick and I were so sad and stressed. Where in the world are we going to find $2000??

So, we got started the next day. Heath drove the truck that hauled the van and Chad drove Nick, myself, and the kiddos in the 18-wheeler. It was pretty comfortable in there! The rest of the way was easy easy! I didn't have to stay awake or drive! The night we stopped and just slept in the cab - there are 2 (twin) beds in the truck. Nick and I slept in one bed, Benji and Chad slept in the other and Jenee' slept in her car seat. That sleeping arrangement lasted 2 minutes. Jenee' came in and slept on top of me. Well, I don't think she ever really fell asleep. She was climbing and crawling and crying all over me. Benji was crying and finally he came down and slept on top of nick (remember this is a twin bed). we were freezing with 2 baby blankets covering us. Chad had a towel. It was so incredibly uncomfortable. I slept 20 minutes total. We finally arrived to utah at 9 am on sunday.

Throughout the whole ordeal (and it still isn't over - we need to get a car so nick can get a job) I felt optomistic

Thursday, October 9, 2008

turning off the computer

well, this is my last look at the internet for a few days. we're shutting down the computer so it can go into the back of our van. We are officially on our way in a few hours. YAY! Wish us luck with the kiddos for a 24 hour drive - not including stops. they are already cranky today, so it's not looking good. they're probably stressed about all the stuff moving out from around them. We're so excited! See ya Tejas!

Friday, September 19, 2008

changing your heart

I do love the song "1234" by Feist. I feel like it's my theme song for right now. Well, I say that only knowing half of the lyrics. Ha ha. I'll get back to you on that if I find out it means something totally different!

Lots of things are swarming around in my head right now. We're moving to Utah either the 5th or 6th of October. We're trying to get Nick admitted into school, a new job, a new home. We're trying to get things taken care of here, there and yonder. I'm excited for the new prospects that await us there. Schooling, work, family, and new undertakings. I don't want to say, but I do want to say exactly what. I've got so many ideas of what I can do to help support our little family so that Nick might not have to work so much while he's going to school.

It's times like these when I'm feeling bogged down with responsibility and urgency that music really speaks to me. I'm not that big on music. I know for most people they walk around with Ipods plugged into their ears constantly. When I drive, I keep the music off. When I clean, there's no music. When I sew (or whatever) there's no music. Throughout the day the only noises I hear are the laughter or cries of my children. I can almost go half of a day without talking. That is until Nick comes home and then I jabber his head off. No wonder my son doesn't talk, neither does his mother.
Anyway, right now I've got a list of 5 songs that rotate through my head all day long, so I just decided to play them on my computer, and now they rotate through the air waves in my house all day long. Until I get sick of them. Maybe I should put in different music, to lift me from the fog of overwhelm. I will tomorrow maybe. Right now I'm rolling around in it.

Never you fret, I am not in the depths of despair right now. I'm just overwhelmed and overstressed and overtempered (just keeping with the theme of the sentence).

We're getting our family pictures taken in a few weeks just when I'm feeling mega chubby. At this point I was supposed to be much smaller, however I have let my cravings take over my proper brain functions and now I am not smaller. I've got 2 weeks.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just fine

Hey, I mentioned I was a bit stressed earlier. I'm fine now. I'm eating a cookie.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hurricane, go away, come again another day (or not); little children, little children, little children want to play.

well, things are a bit crazy here in Houston. Hurricane Ike is headed our way, so we're hunkered down for now, waiting for the power to go out.

Will update everyone on how we're doing as we're able.

Grandmama, Grandpapa, and Kenneth are with us as well, so if you can't reach them on their cell phones, try our house phone.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Check out my poll

It's over on the right underneath "where else you can find me."

When I talk about the 2 blogs I mean this one, and From Shelly's Belly


Sunday, September 7, 2008

moving. again?


yup, you read it right.

we're moving, again.


Utah. Somewhere from SLC to Provo - in either of those cities or between them. That all depends on what school Nick will go to.


October-ish. Sometime in the month of october, but there are some factors that will determine it.

If this is the first you're hearing of the move, you're not alone. I think besides 4 other people, everyone else is finding out through this blog (that is if they even read it, if not they'll find out another way).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

service auction

I just came back from enrichment night for my church and it was so much fun! We had a service auction night. You came to the activity with things you could auction off. For example, free babysitting, weed your garden, tech support, sew things, dinner, dessert, gift cards, thank you cards, etc. You fill out a questionnare at the beginning to determine how many points you get. For example, did you say your morning prayers? did you serve a mission? did you ever own a new kids on the block tape? have you been married for 20 years? and there were points assigned to each thing. I had 300 points to bid with. It was so much fun! I won a photo session for my family with the pictures on a CD! How awesome! I'm so excited, Lisa W. is doing it, and I just love her to death! It has been so long since we've had pictures together as a family. I really wanted to win a babysitting one as well, but alas, so did everyone else! Ha ha! I donated some sewing things and a dessert. I love to sew things for other people more than myself, so I'm excited to get to sewing! I think the service auction would be a fun thing for a family home evening type thing when we have more kids and they're older... or for christmas gifts or something. I don't think you could auction your christmas gifts though, but a really awesome service could be given as a gift. Not like those "coupons" you give your mother for mother's day that you never redeem, but real ones!

Sherrie had a good idea that I should go to gift boutiques and try to see if they'd want to sell some of my creations there. I think it's a good idea, but also scary. What if they look at my things and say - lame! ? Oh well, I'll have to get to thinking about it and brainstorming about things I'd want to sell. I'd try it there, and then sometime in the next year I'd like to set up an etsy store. I need to find a fabric store close by that has higher quality fabrics though. Or just pay for shipping.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Donate to Nie Nie

I've seen this around a few blogs recently and never looked at it, until this morning. I am bawling right now about a family I don't even know. Three people were in a plane crash and one, Doug, died. Stephanie and Christian, husband and wife, have survived, but are in critical condition. Christian has 30% of his body burned and Stephanie has 80% of hers burned. They have 4 small children that are being taken care of by Stephanie's sister. If you go to the button on the sidebar you can donate and also see exactly who Stephanie (nie) is. Then you can go to her sister's blog to get updates and to really see how not only the neilsons (stephanie and christian) are, but their whole extended family. I am so grateful and happy to see the outpouring of love for this family. Heavenly Father is truly hearing the many thousands of prayers offered for them every minute. I hope that you'll take the time to look and remember this sweet family as you go about your life. If you have the means, of course, please donate what you can - their hospital bills will be in the millions. There are several blogs holding silent auctions I know one of my favorites, grosgrain, is and she has links to others as well.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

cell phone

I am posting this on both blogs, because I don't know who reads what (if at all). For those of you who have my phone number pay attention, for those of you who only know me in blog-land, you can ignore this post.

I just found my phone yesterday, after letting Benji play with it (how stupid of me) and he stuck it in some random little hole. I haven't had it for a little over a month and so I have surely missed countless calls. I found it, charged it and am now accepting phone calls! Just thought you should know.

Friday, August 22, 2008

play time

having a blast down here in Texas. We were playing under sheets last night - you know you throw them in the air and they float/fall down - they kids went wild over it!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

memories misty watercolored memories..

from the corners of my mind... (I really don't know the words, only the blurb from naked gun 22 1/2) oh.. I love that movie! (I wish I could remember my favorite quote from that movie better, I'll share it when I have a moment to watch it)

I was feeling a bit sentimental today and thought I'd post these pictures of Nick and I right before we moved to Tejas. I usually don't share these photos just because I'm looking quite rotund. Well, these don't showcase so much of the fat that they're illegal, so I'll post 'em.

Monday, August 18, 2008

swirl this car around!

yesterday was a bit of a braindead day for me. I'm not quite sure what was going on, but Nick told me several times that I should go back to bed. When he didn't say that he just looked at me funny. I had a great time! For instance, when we were leaving for church I was backing out of the garage to do a K-turn. Well, I didn't turn the wheel enough as I was going forward so I had to reverse again before I hit the flowerbed. Anyway, I exclaimed, "oh! I didn't swirl the car enough, sorry!" Swirl the car? you mean turn it?? yep. so all day I kept saying Nick you'd better behave or I'll swirl this car around! Yeah, I'm that cool. I think it's going to be my new saying.

What else... I continually got words mixed up and couldn't think of things. I blurted out random things that had no connection to anything else. Here's an example from our first year of marriage (because I honestly can't remember what I said yesterday): I was cleaning up the living room and was not wanting to pick up after Nick so I said, "is that your fork?" while pointing to a pen on the floor. Nick walked into the room as I repeated the question and he just burst out laughing. I think that instance keeps getting brought up at least once a month when I do something similar. I think it's early onset alzheimers. I really hope not. I say it's children - I guess it'd probably be dangerous if I had too many children there's no way to tell what would happen to me. I wish I could remember what else I did and said, all I know was I was singing a lot, talking a lot, and laughing a TON!

Friday, August 15, 2008

family time

Well, I finally get to blog about the vacation type things we've done! We didn't do anything, but Nick's family did. Chad, Michelle, Kendall, and Austin came down last wednesday and left (too soon!) on sunday. We had so much fun! We drove around looking for treasures and heckled each other. We ate and ate and ate! Austin played with Benji almost the whole time! Benji is so lonely now. Kendall hung out with the "big kids" and we had so much fun! They were here for so long and these 3 pictures are all I have documenting that they were here. How sad for me. The boys are playing with benji in the mcdonald's play thingy. Us girls are hanging out watching and waiting for Chad to bring us our meal. Such service. It was so sad when they had to leave, something about having to go back to work was their sorry excuse. Oh I wish we were around more family; it really made me realize how much I miss them. If you know me at all (Jared) you know I'm not the "i miss people" type of person. Now I am. I guess that's part of getting old: your knees creak and you miss people. Never mind the gray hair, I've had that since I was 12.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


hey! if you want to know about a cool idea to use for scheduling your children (and even a great resource for yourself), check out my other blog


Friday, July 25, 2008

getting older

my babies are getting older.

Jenee' is crawling (well, she has been for the past 3 weeks), and I just moved her crib to the lowest setting because she pulls herself up and tries to cruise! I just removed Benji's crib side to make it a "toddler" bed; he just had his first nap in it - and he did beautifully! We'll see how nighttime goes.

My little boy picked out his clothes too... you can see it in this picture as well. yes, he only picked out one sock. He originally wanted both shoes, but we could only find one. He forgot about it, and then later decided on this black sock. I'm trying to teach him to put his clothes on by himself so we can begin potty training, so we're starting to pick out our own clothes and be more involved in the whole process to generate some interest in dressing himself.

In his crib I put a pillow so he'd feel super special, along with this blanket that a co-worker of Nick's made back in Portland. (ohhh, how I miss good ole Tualatin!!!) He's been jumping on and off it all day. When he was done with his nap, I could hear him bouncing on his bed, then his feet were sticking under the door as he tried to decide if he should open the door or not. He opened it, but didn't move, sticking his head out he had the BIGGEST grin on his face -- holy crow, independence!!

Now, I've gotta decide what I'm going to fix for dinner - I really want to make this chicken/couscous stuff we had the other night, but alas, I don't have any onions, tomatoes, or even couscous. Bummer. I think it's time to go to the store. Oh! I can't! Nick has Benji's car seat in his car, so I've been stranded. Speaking of car seat, I need to get a bigger one for Jenee' now. Oh girl stop growing.

Friday, July 18, 2008


My friend, Shauna, did this on her blog and it seemed like a fabulous idea!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Watch, I'll come back in a month and there won't be any comments. Surprise me!

I'll post this on my other blog to so I can try to get everyone (I have no idea who visits what blog, if any).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

cloth diaper give away!

Win a Bum Genius 3.0 Starter Kit from Nature's Child - Wholesome Goods for Mothers and Babies

Cloth diapers are really wonderful and we always loved ours! I can't tell you how many "blow-outs" we've had with disposables, and we only every had 1 blow-out when we used cloth (that one time was entirely my fault as well). The bum genius diapers are wonderful too, I'm sure they've gotten even better with time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

tossing back a few beers

jenee drank herself to sleep

sooo relaxing...

*okay, for those of you without a sense of humor, this is a staged photo. she fell asleep and i forget who, but someone suggested to put a beer in her hand. seeing as that is a funny idea, we obviously did it. for those of you who really don't have a sense of humor, no I do not drink nor does my hubby; we have not gone inactive.

what's been going on??

too cute! my babies playing together!

mighty tasty

good morning mommy (get dressed already!)

here's benji, I just missed the high five he just gave Lola! soon as he saw me with the camera, he got off the stool and played elsewhere, lame!

Benji turned two this month - the 7th! How dare I not blog that much about it! Check out the slideshows for more pics.

we were at grandpa's (my dad's) visiting, Jenee' LOVED the pool and her floaty boat that Mary (my dad's sweet girlfriend) got her!

I'll post a funny funny picture of jenee' in this and in the pool on another post soon. It's hilarious! I just love this shot though, she was so calm happy and content out here on the water.

my cutie, a bit sunburnt. it makes his beautiful green eyes stand out more (except for here he's squinting, so you can't tell)!

another picture of them playing together!

oh, such fun. I've been teaching asl classes, nick's been looking for a new job and researching the air force. Nick found a new job monday (YAY!!) that pays pretty darn good, and the air force is coming along smoothly. I've been sewing (check my other blog for some details) and thinking about doing projects with my son. Maybe he'll be more interested. He's been pretty hilarious lately. His favorite thing to say is "ow" and sign "hurt" - even if he's not, he loves it. He's very close to being potty trained - i mean starting the process - he hates hates hates it when his diaper is dirty, and he'll take it off himself, and he's been doing pretty good at trying to put his own shorts on and off. He's mastered all the other "readiness" skills they say to have (i just won't trifle with your time and list them all). I want to get the Dr. Phil program "scotty potty", that seems ideal and very successful from what i've found. He's been trying to "Charlie and Lola" high fives all the time, it's adorable.

Jenee' is soo going to be crawling any day now! She has been getting up on her hands and knees for weeks now, and she moves quite a bit, by rocking, twisting, diving, etc. She gets up on her toes and twists to the side and then goes back to her knees, rocks and then dives to her belly. It's quite amazing to watch. She could totally out push-up anyone! There's no doubt that she'll be crawling before she's 7 months old! She's teething like mad, but no sign of a tooth popping through quite yet; just swollen gums and biting everything in site. Benjamin teethed forever before a tooth finally popped up.

Becky just had her baby today (the 1st), a bit of a scare was surrounding it, but after she had little brooklyn (by c-section), the little angel was healthy and happy. I'm dying to see pictures and hear more, but I guess I'll just have to be patient. I'm just so so so happy that one of the happiest days in becky and phil's lives stayed one of the happiest days! I bet they're the cutest little ole parents ever! I'm an aunt too, I just realized this tonight, it's my first time and I feel special regardless of the fact that I had nothing to do with it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

promised slide show

book signing

well, lots has been going on, but I'll talk about that later. We recently went to a book signing for Lee Child; he's one of our favorite authors! His character is Jack Reacher, and he is awesome! My eyes hurt from squinting at the screen (the computer is in the room facing the HUGE windows with the sunlight streaming in) for so long uploading all the photos from the past few weeks. I was set on uploading and updating the blogs and such, but it's taking forever to get everything to do what I say. I want to share lots of the photos we took (hunderds and hundreds), so I decided to make a slide show, but it's taking forever. I'm getting off topic. I'd explain more about the books, but I'm just too tired to. Lee Child is a fabulous author. We went to this book signing, kids in tow (the only ones there by the way). It started at 2 in which he'd discuss the book, etc. It was great to hear about all he had to say, and really he was a normal guy. For some reason I always think "famous" people are like 8 feet tall in real life, but nope, he was a normal, non-giant sized guy. Then, about 3:45 we got to get our book signed (long long line). Benjamin's asleep in Nick's arms, completely bored and wiped out with all these adults standing around. Jenee's still in the baby bjorn, killing my back and shouders, happily sucking on my shoulder. We're in line, trying to think of what to say. Finally we step up, I hand him the book and say "hi". that's it. HI. no real excitement, no crazy inflection, nothing implied (except maybe exhaustion). He asks "who is this little thing?" "oh, this is jenee' (pause, pause, and more pause), oh this is benjamin, too" he says "have they been here the whole time? I didn't hear them once!" "yup, we've been here since before it began." he finishes signing it and we say "thanks" and walk out the door. could we be any more riveting?? I thought of at least 5 other things to say to him that weren't necessarily exciting, but they were intellegent. -- my side beef -- why do people always say that when they're surprised your children have been good. "i didn't even hear them, or know they were here" I always wonder about that. do they think most children just stand in one place and scream at the tops of their lungs non-stop? one straight 2 hour scream?? i think it's silly, but then they may not have any clue about children. --

anyway. we read the book. Nothing to Lose (the title). lame lame lame. it turned into a crazy idiotic politic rant of at least 5 touchy issues, with a lame plot and story. the main character, jack reacher, went against nearly everything he's stood for in the previous 11 books. example: he was born in the raised in the military, worked in the military, fights for it after retirement, etc - he still lives and loves and breathes the military code and law, blah blah blah. now, he apparently hates anything to do with war and the military. things like that. i won't go on much more, except, I still love Lee Child's previous books. Those were the bomb diggity. Not this one. I'll try the next one, but I'll be expecting him to still have let go of all his values, morals, and good characteristics to be replaced by just plain idiocy.

it was still fun to go to the book signing.

Friday, May 30, 2008

the wedding


aren't they beautiful? tim and zyz and the flowers!

I would've posted more pictures, but the few that I had taken weren't all that great. Just a ton of random shots that looked like a 3 year old had gotten a hold of a camera. the few pictures that I was actually in looked like instead of losing 20 lbs, I actually gained 20 lbs! I guess that's what happens when you lose weight, but you still really need to lose a lot more! ugh.
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 29, 2008

to utah and back

well, i've been sewing and sewing lately (you can see the projects on the other blog), and then we went to utah for tim's wedding (nick's brother). Nick's sister and dad flew us out (holy cow!) as a surprise to everyone else. Their reactions were priceless! We hung out and played guitar hero, the wii, and tons of board games and card games. Ate pizza, chips, soda, and all sorts of junk! We had so much fun!! We got back tuesday evening and are settled back home. Mom's back in town for a week or so, so benji's having fun with his nanna. I'll post pictures from the trip soon, and here's a random picture of jenee's cute feet.

Monday, May 12, 2008