Thursday, July 26, 2007

boy or girl??

We are having a healthy baby! It is due now around December 21st, instead of the 9th. We'll see though. Hopefully it'll be born sooner rather than later. We got some cute little pictures too. Okay, okay I'll tell you. It's a girl! We're having Jenee' Nicole!

I haven't posted this because I'm having trouble with the computer that has the scanner attached. The internet to that computer is wireless and is hard to get it to connect all the time, anyway - it's lame! So, I'll finally announce the great news, and then get the ultrasound pics up when I can. I'm sorry that I didn't let you know you sooner, I really planned to! (It says I posted it the day of the ultrasound - see I really did mean to announce it sooner - but really I posted it the 12th of August)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Well, I finished Harry Potter today, and it was fantastic! I can't believe the series is over! I feel as though I've lost a dear friend or something. I'll definitely have to reread this last book again so I can process it better. Some parts moved so fast I could hardly breathe. I loved it! Nick and I have spent just as much time discussing it as we did reading it!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

harry potter!

We have begun to read the 7th Harry Potter book, and so far I love it! We're reading it a weird way. I'll read a few chapters, then Nick'll read a few chapters so we each get to read it at the same time. I'm ahead of him though - I started reading the book several hours before we came up with the idea. It's nice I guess, we get to discuss it as we read, but it's torture waiting to get to keep reading. It may not be a good idea in the end, but it's too late now to go back.

Benji's sleeping on the floor while we read; he's so adorable, he's sprawled out on his back while clutching one sock in each hand. too funny!

I've got to go back now and sit and watch Nick read the book, willing him to read faster! I just finished a really long turn (he was so nice to let me read way more than I should have) so I'll have to try hard to be equally patient.

If you haven't started reading it, what are you waiting for??

Thursday, July 12, 2007

thermometers lie!

Here we are sitting in our apartment boiling away and the weather stations have the audacity to say it's only 84 degrees outside! Hello! We're dying! There is no way I'm dying in 84 degree weather! I'm not that much of a sissy! I sweat if I move faster than a sloth. If I breathe too rapidly I break out in a sweat too. Benjamin is sweating like crazy and he only has a diaper on. We've got one fan in the front, one fan in Benji's room, and Nick's hogging the best fan in our bedroom while he's sleeping. Can you tell I'm bitter?? Ha ha! We're living on otter pops and watermelon. The plus side is, we might be losing weight. That'd be nice, but honestly I'd rather not lose weight this way. Benji has been sick lately. I'm not quite sure what it is. Apparently a lot of babies his age are ill. They're all dying from the heat! There is a pool at our apartment complex, but there are so many kids in it you can't see the water. A few women in the ward have offered for us to come swim at their apartments' pools. I'm definitely going to be taking them up on that offer next week! We're going down to Medford tomorrow to visit Nick's younger brother who just came home from his mission in Philly. Plus, almost all of his siblings are there, so it'll be a blast! They have air conditioning and a pool! Wahoo! I might not leave if it's really nice!

I'm out of here, I've run out of otter pops for this blogging session!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

ticking away

well, we're just hanging out right now. Nick's younger brother comes home from his mission on tuesday, so we'll be driving down to see him! Nick and I have been reminiscing about our last week of our missions - what a crazy mix of emotions! It's crazy to think I've been home for so long, it feels like a dream. The baby is doing good (I think), I feel he/she move every once in a while, but it's not big enough to really make an impact. Benji has been using his little walker thingy. It's like a car he pushes around. He has been scared of it for a long time, but lately he's been pushing it around, but he does it backwards without using the handles. The whole time he just giggles and giggles. It's funny!