Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hodge Podge


Laura said...

Shelly, I love, love, love your blog! Thank you.
Also, I see you love Powells too! You probably get to go there??
Great site, good job!
What a little man Bejamin is in his white shirt and tie. So cute. Looks like you have a busy, busy time the next couple of weeks! Good luck.
Love you, Aunt Laura

Heidi said...

How absolutely darling! It is good to see you and hear of what you've been up to. I love it! Way to get technically saavy!

Anonymous said...

Shelly, you never cease to amaze me! What a fun idea and when do you ever sleep? Judging by all the things I hear you're doing, you couldn't possibly find time to sleep. I love the blog site and plan to check it out all the time, so the pressure is on girl! By the way, love the new haircut and that is not a bad picture of you. You couldn't take a bad picture. Love you - Mom

Anonymous said...

I am loving this site! It's been so fun to check in on it and catch your updates. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your new digs, and Benji of course! You're the best!