Saturday, April 19, 2008


well, it's noon and I've now been awake for a little over an hour. how lucky to have slept in you're thinking - oh no I didn't! Nick had an appointment last night at 7 half way to Dallas (2 hours away), and said he probably wouldn't be home until 11pm. So, around 11:30 I fell asleep on the couch watching a movie; somehow I found myself to bed because when I woke up at 3 Nick wasn't there!! I went around the house looking all over for him, and then I checked the garage. Empty! So I call him, and he says, "I've been waiting for you to call me" What an odd thing to say! Apparently he didn't have our home phone number, and my cell phone had died the other day and I failed to charge it. Well, it seems his tire blew out, and then the spare blew out (after only a 1/2 mile of driving on it). He'd been sitting at a gas station next to the Huntsville maximum security prison since 11:30. So, I packed up the car and drove 1 1/2 hours to get him, and 1 1/2 hours back. We all settled back into bed at 7 am. I'm completely surprised and very happy that the kiddos actually went back to sleep. I thought I was doomed to stay awake until their nap times. well, we're going to have to get a tire sometime today (after Nick wakes up - he hadn't slept in 24 hours, so I guess he can sleep in a bit more) and drive all the way back up to H'ville. Joyful. I had such fun plans for today too, oh well.

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